Our Experts Restored the Floors of a Household in Somerset with Their Grout Sealing Process
November 19, 2024
A homeowner in Somerset, NJ, was having trouble with the maintenance of two areas that usually demanded the best hygiene conditions: the floors in her kitchen and bathroom area. Despite not getting as much traffic as the master bathroom, the surface in her guest bathroom was soiled beyond recognition, and regular cleaners barely managed to remove a fraction of the dirt. The discoloration wasn't as evident in the kitchen area, but the homeowner could still see that the floor had lost its natural appeal.
She decided that the next step was getting a professional's assessment and started looking for options in the area. This is how she came across Sir Grout Western New Jersey and our grout sealing service in Somerset, NJ,. The homeowner was in awe of the results in our picture gallery, so her research left her eager to have our techs see her floors. She filled out the website's contact form to get in touch with our crew, and they got back to her in record time.
On the appointed date, our specialists arrived at her house for an in-home evaluation, as always wearing the standard Sir Grout uniform. They began their inspection after the homeowner took them to their kitchen and the guest room floor and immediately noticed that both had various issues in common. For one, the grout in the two areas was supposed to be white, but a combination of foot traffic and exposure to chemical cleaners had ruined its appearance. There were large stains running across the lines on the kitchen floor, while the grout on the bathroom floor had thick layers of embedded dirt covering most of its surface. Much of the residue was also adhered to the ceramic tiles, making them look unhygienic despite the homeowner's constant cleaning efforts.

Our crew described Sir Grout's restoration process, stating that sealing the grout was the best approach to prevent new issues later on. They offered to clean the two floors and even tested their cleaners on a portion of the surface so the homeowner could see its effectiveness for herself. Thoroughly convinced by their expertise, she asked them to return later that week for the restoration.
So, they were back at the house a few days later to work on the floors, and they didn't waste time after arriving at the client's home. They began their work in the kitchen area and moved on to the bathroom, cleaning both surfaces with a permeating formula and a high-speed scrubber.
Once all the dirt had been eliminated, our crew got ready to seal the grout. For this part, they applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines on the floors, gradually restoring the contrast between the grout and the ceramic tiles. Our amazing sealant provides all the protection you need for high-traffic areas; it wards off all sorts of external elements, from water to mold and the dirt carried over from other rooms. The grout stays spotless for months on end, and homeowners don't have to struggle so much during their cleaning routine.
Our experts showed the result to the client soon after completing their work on the two floors. The transformation left her in awe. The ceramic tiles had regained their natural beauty, and the clean grout brought attention to the floor's elegant layout. After thanking our crew for their work, the homeowner promised to spread the word of our grout sealing services.
While putting away their equipment, our techs listed some additional tips to help the client with the maintenance of bathroom and kitchen surfaces. To prevent discoloration and soap residue, they recommended to replace traditional products with pH-neutral cleaners. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner has no acidic imbalances in its formula, and this means that hard surfaces are not exposed to abrasive ingredients that could corrode them later on. Our product ensures that all traces of dirt are removed quickly, without leaving residue trapped on the grout. It's the best solution to complement the sealant's grout protection and a safer way to go about your chores.
PH-neutral cleaners are the perfect starting point to improve the hygiene of a room because they don't release toxic fumes into the air. Another way to create a healthier environment is by ensuring that there's fresh air circulating around each part of the house. Our experts told the client that opening the windows and doors already made a huge difference in the air quality, but they also recommended wiping out any liquid residue with a mop or a terry cloth to prevent the growth of mold.
You can secure high-quality restoration services to preserve the most important parts of your home. The techs at Sir Grout Western New Jersey specialize in a variety of methods to revive hard surfaces from different types of damage. You can trust us with your bathroom surfaces, your kitchen floor, counter tops, and more, our experts will not let you down! Just call (732) 392-7323 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.